Saturday, September 06, 2008

I Saw Dad Smile

Not a lot has been going on at the Reeder house. Hurricane Ike is threatening to hit south Florida and as long as it stays towards the south, I think we will be OK. I hope I don't have to put the shutters up and board some windows...what a pain in the ass.

The Cubs are breaking my heart! They have lost six straight and if it weren't for the fact that the Brewers have been equally as horrible, the Cubs would not still be in first place. This is the year. It has to be. Susan thinks she is a jinx. At first I laughed but every game we have been to this year they have lost (one in Tampa and two in Miami). So, I can only deduce that Susan is indeed a jinx. 

Well, at least she is good at something.  I told her we could sacrifice one of her hair ball barfing, pooping, shedding mongrels to the great God of the Billy Goat curse...but she defiantly refused...BITCH! Just for fun...which one do you think should mysteriously disappear in the middle of the night ;) Pick a Cat....ANY CAT...PLEASE! VOTE in the POLL on the left of this page.

Now, as to the title of this post, I found a TV show (particularly a character) that makes Dad ACTUALLY laugh. Dad laughing is an unusual departure from his ranting,
cussing and chicken throwing behavior. The show is HOUSE and  has been on a while but I never watched it until now. It's a drama but has enough humor that makes it a perfect mix. And, bonus points for not being a Law and Order. The problem with Dad watching that show is that because Dad's memory is failing, he can watch the same episode a hundred times. That makes it difficult to sit and watch TV with him (without consuming a vast amount of alcohol...that I generally do). So this new show is a "win/win" situation for me and Susan. And, as a bonus, no chickens get harmed. 

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