Saturday, August 04, 2007

Musings...a personal side

I was riding my bike today, risking my life dodging potholes and cars, and I was thinking about how much I missed my Mom. Earlier in the day I was looking through some old pictures, prepping for the monumental task of scanning and sending photos to my relatives out west, and wave of sadness came over me. My mom was a beautiful, vibrant, funny, popular, intelligent and humble person. I can say this not only because I knew her, but the old and faded photos reflect these characteristics I speak of clearly. There is a photo of her eight grade catholic school reunion (taken sometime in the 80’s), and there she is front and center glowing, the rest of her classmates flocking around her like a herd of sheep. There is one of her that looks like it was taken the 50’s in a speed boat. My mom in a bathing suit smiling at the camera…the men in the photo fixated on her, not the camera. Another one that looks like it was taken in the sixties, my mom singing by a piano at a party, all eyes on her. Or the one of her in some guy’s letterman sweater in high school as she was lounging with some friends, again front and center. Of course, there are hundreds of photos of her with her children, the center of her life.

My mom was my idol. I know people say that all the time, but I admired my mom more than any other person I can think of. I was trying to remember if ever told her that, I don’t think I did. I can only hope that she knew how much she meant to me, and how I not only looked up to her, but looked to her. My mom was always only a phone call away. I could talk to her about anything and her advice was always wise and beneficial, not that I always heeded it. .

Anyway, as I sit here watching the Cubs with my other hero, my Dad (they’re beating the Mets 6-0), I can smile, my pride overtaking my moroseness. My Mom had the answers to everything. And although I miss my two friends I speak of above, I know my Mom is looking down on me and praying for me. I am the happiest and most content I have ever been…much of it thanks to my Mom. I’m glad I got to spend the last six months of her life with her here in Florida, I feel blessed. So, if you haven’t told your Mom today how much you love her….do it! She can be taken away at the blink of an eye.
On a lighter note, I added some links to a couple of my favorite sites at the bottom...check 'em out.

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