Tuesday, August 07, 2007

JC Penney...Torn Quad

So, I was watching the Biography channel with my dad the other day and they were profiling James Cash Penney....who started the famous department store above. They talked about how frugal he was, and how he didn't believe in store credit because it would cause consumer's to spend beyond their means. He basically thought credit cards were an evil future industry (smart man). Anyhow, after the show was over I commented to Dad what an interesting man Mr. Penney must have been. Dad nonchalantly blurts out, "…oh I interviewed him, spent the afternoon with him, and wrote an article about him in the fifties...nice guy, he even sold me a tie!" He apparently ended his story with the whole idea that Mr. Penney will always be a salesman (hence my dad buying a tie from him). Now, I know dad has met with plenty of Presidents and US politicians...but it never occurred to me that he might have met some other interesting characters. I am going to ask to ask him to draw up a list (I know he covered the Indy 500 for the AP for a number of years) while he can still somewhat remember. As for the JC Penney article, I'm going to try to get a copy of it. It is probably in microfiche or microfilm in the dusty basement of the Lafayette Journal~Courier in Indiana.

Small tear revealed in Soriano's quad
Star not expected back before Labor Day; Cubs stay confident
By Carrie Muskat / MLB.com


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