Monday, August 20, 2007

Done and Done!

Susan and I finished up moving all of mom and dad's stuff out of their Bayside Lakes house this past weekend. What a job. We put more stuff in the storage unit and filled a 14 ft. truck full of stuff for the dump. I am now quite familiar with the Brevard County Landfill since I had been last week as well....I'm sorry to say. Susan and I had a bit of fun unloading the truck. We had competitions on who could toss a chair the farthest out of the truck or who could break one of my mom's gazillion vases more spectacularly...I, of course, think did best. We started to get the hairy eyeball from the guy 'guarding' the landfill....let's call him the 'Garbage Master', so we had to stop having fun or we were going to get kicked out of the low would that be and then where would I go to find my next date. I saw the man of my dreams there. He was about 300 lbs with mullet and he showed me the biggest, whitest, pimple ridden butt crack I had ever seen. It was love at first sight....alas, I fear I will never see him again. Susan and I found out that no electronics at all are allowed at the land fill. Upon entering, you have to go through two 'Garbage Masters' who want to know what you are dumping. They both repeatedly ask you if you have any electronics. When hearing a negative response they both went further, giving examples of what an electronic device is (uh, thanks for the clarification). I suppose maybe people who frequent the dump aren't smart enough to know this....Susan and I figured we would tell the second guy that "no, we have no electronics in the truck....a couple dead bodies...but no toasters or coffee makers. As long as we didn't have a radio on board....we were given the ok to dump the truck, including the dead bodies...isn't America great.

Everyone knows I'm not the most graceful person. Susan and I had a hard time moving a piece of furniture that I forgot to have the strong guys from the moving company take. It is a huge piece of slate that is part of an outdoor bench my mother had. This thing was still partially crated from the folks move from Tucson and probably weighs around 250. Susan and I could budge it but were able to get a dolly under it and with both of our muscles able to barely get it up the ramp on the truck. When we moved it out of the truck to my backyard we couldn't get the dolly free from it. I bent down to pull from the bottom and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back with a huge headache! My hands were full of sweat and they slipped sending the dolly ricocheting right into my head....the only saving grace (there is always an upside) was that I didn't land in dog poop. A few Tylenols some ice and I was good to go!

I heard from our cousin Kurt who lives in LA. He and his sibs, his wife and kids are doing great. He had a pacemaker put in last May, but now that he is bionic he's feeling great. Lynda sent some pictures of her family, sis Pat, bro Curt and Aunt Louise at the outer banks of NC last week. The link is: (tbd)

Thanks for the photo albums Uncle Kenny!

That's all for now…

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