Thursday, December 29, 2005

Xmas, Family and "My Car's on Fire!!"

Well, I survived Christmas with the Reeder's up north. The drive up went smoothly, made it in fourteen and a half hours...didn't hit traffic until the beltway which immediately reminded me why I moved from there in the first place. Dad and mom looked good, Dad gets around slowly but he looks and sounds better then last September. The nephews and niece are growing like sprouts....see below from left to right, Matthew, Mitchell, Elizabeth and Brandon.

Every time I see mom I'm reminded that I am a "chip off the ol' block". I act more and more like her everyday...which when I was younger used to bother me. As I've matured (o.k. stop laughing I don't mean mentally mature, but you know...older) I've come to take being just like mom as a compliment. I don't think any children could ask for more devoted parents then what we have. See picture of me and the queen mother below.

Now, I'm no mechanic but when my car started smoking from the hood about 40 miles into Georgia on the way back, I figured something was not right. A small fire caused by a broken AC belt melting against the compressor was the culprit. Luckily "Sweet Daddy", complete with mechanics shirt with the aforementioned name patch and missing front teeth, convinced me that that particular belt is uneeded and, as long as I kept the AC off, I could drive the car safely. He was much nicer and honest than the idiots at AAA and we were lucky to run into Sweet Daddy from Georgia. I don't think he appreciated Cindy nipping at him, though..she is such an ingrate!

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