Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Redskins, Wolfpack and Guns


O.K., Ali and I went to the Purple Porpoise to watch the Redskins Vs. the Chiefs last Sunday. Her being from K.C. made for some fun exchanges between the two of us. Unfortunately she got the last laugh. Note to Alison: 1) Rock the K State Wildcat clearly was on the take. 2) Sean is cute isn't he...I just wish he would tone down his enthusiasm for Skins...by the end of the game even I was rooting for the Chiefs.

Wolf Pack

I ventured up to Coasters last Thursday to watch the N.C. State Wolf Pack play the purple panted Clemson Tigers. I have a new name for the 'Wolf Pack'...'Puppy Litter', because that is what they played like. Now is not a good time to mention to Stu that Va Tech beat N.C. state in men's soccer over the weekend....not that anyone cares about soccer but me....had fun and I learned that there is at least one cool person that works at Boeing, Alison's friend Richey Rich.


Now I didn't mention this before, but I am officially a handgun owner. I purchased the S&W .38, 'double action only' weapon last month. Thanks to Russ for taking some of us through an NRA course and lesson. I'm convinced that Russ will one day retire in Montana to run a compound and write deliriously long letters to major newspapers about our oppressive Government. Seriously though, once you sift through the right wing propaganda (what does the second amendment say anyway???!!), the course was extremely informative. I am now eligible for my concealed weapons permit...watch out old foes. Cathy's most used line during target shooting, "Did I even HIT the target?!". Cathy's most embarrassing moment, "Russ: Let's set up a special target for Cathy that is only 15 feet away". Best shooter, Alison "deadeye" Denny by far...I wouldn’t cross her Stu. Catalog picture of my gun below:

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