Tuesday, October 04, 2005


O.K., Alison and I went to the FL Tech Volleyball game last Friday and let's just say that they weren't exactly good. But our friend Janelle, who is a coach, was happy to see us support her team.

Sunday was Football day up at the Purple Porpoise Beachside....let's just say that what was intended to be a couple of beers and half a game ended up to be two games and too many beers to count. I believe Stu and Alison are a bad influence on me (o.k. nobody in my family believes that, I'm sure).

But, hey, good news...Susan got out of the house and came with me. I'm sure the vampire gods were seething with contempt, but she even laid out at the pool with me before hand. I explained to her that the big orange thing in the sky is what our humble tiny planet revolves around... she was reluctant to believe me and still thinks the world revolves around TV Land...baby steps.

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