Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

A year in review. Things I learned, heard and experienced in 2008.

Things you don't want to hear when rushed to the ER:
1. Do you want to see a Priest?
2. Do you have a living will?
3. You have some bleeding in your brain.
4. Did you know you have an old tumor in your brain?

Odd things I heard this year:
1. Here is the instruction booklet for your new toilet Ms. Reeder.
2. Would you like cheese on your cheeseburger?

Things you don't want to be told, 2008 edition:
1. Aunt Cathy your are soooooo unoxis (obnoxious)!
2. Your raise is going to be below average this year, Cathy.
3. Aunt Cathy, you're real good. You should play lacrosse...for OLD people.
4. Your house is worth 40% less than what you paid for it Ms. Reeder.
5. Your dog's operation will cost $3000...we can put you on a payment plan...
6. You will have to change your Dad's catheter bag at least twice a day Ms. Reeder.

Things you don't want to be asked, 2008 edition:
1. Driver's License and Registration please
2. May I see your I.D. please?...oooh (upon noticing my birth year) I'm sooo sorry Ma'am.
3. Step on the scale please.
4. Can you give your Dad an enema an hour before the procedure Ms. Reeder? (hell no!)

Memorable Moments of 2008
1. Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win!
2. Cubs lose! Cubs lose! Cubs lose!

Things you learned this year but could have died without knowing:
1. Whether or not your own dad is circumcised...sigh...

All in all a good year. I have my health and family and friends. Cheers!

Xmas is Done

More later. I posted photos from Xmas on shutterfly. The link to my photo site is: Cathy's photos I will put a permanent link under the "link" title to the left of this page.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fa La La La Laaa...La laaaaaaaaa!

Xmas is is the house:

All those gifts are Susan's...what's up with that?

Mom's Nativity Scene

Fireplace with stockings for the Cats and Dog

House with lights...I almost broke my neck!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Old School, Memories and bBall

What is up, let's see. Spent the day today putting up the tree and various decorations. I haven't gotten to the outside yet. It looks like xmas will be in Florida this year as Dad doesn't want to travel. As of now, Lynda and family will travel down but that is all I have heard from. Pat, of course, will be trekking her usual Xmas holiday around the world. This year is Peru and Manchu Piccu (I'm certain I have spelled that incorrectly). We'll make the most of it. 

Dad and I went to the Florida Tech game last night. They lost to Lynn University but in their defense, they started four freshman and their star player from Sloviakia is hurt. They are pretty good, Lynn was lights out from behind the arc. Favorite Dad quote of the night, "No Fair! their guys played better than our guys!". Dad absolutely loves their Senior point guard who is 5' 10" but a terrific 3 point shooter and passer. I think he is Dad's favorite player. Dad even remembers his name every time we go. "Is Ballard in??", he says. It's cute because the kid is always in....almost never comes out. Dad loves going to the games but we'll have to take an alternate seating route next time (Dad already wants to know when the next home game is) because I have to get help to get him down the bleachers and it is too dangerous. He has gotten past the embarrassment and accepts help from strangers now, which if you know Dad is a HUGE step.

I got some old school Adidas Sambas, complete with the old logo. See pic I took of me feet below. 

Old soccer buddies have gotten me on Facebook. We are slowly getting in touch with all my old friends. I even dug some old photos out and scanned them in. Man, hard to believe I was ever that young. Sigh....