Well, there is always next year. And hey, it will be the 100 year anniversary of the Cubs world series win, so maybe they'll get lucky....already can't wait for spring training '08.
On a brighter note, college basketball season is starting up. I do have high hopes for my GMU

Andy told me a funny story the other day. Uncle Kenny and Aunt Vesta paid him an Anne a visit at Twin Lakes State Park. Apparently when Aunt Vesta took her wig off and laid in on the couch, Rocco mistook it for some sort on hairy invading creature and proceeded to attack it! OK, you have to know both Rocco (Andy and Anne's hyperactive mutt) and Aunt Vesta to get the visual....but trust me, it is funny stuff.
Things are busy at the Reeder abode. The hot water heater broke last Friday. Susan had to take a cold shower....I staid stinky all day until "Paul the Plummer" came to install a new one. Thankfully, he is a nice guy and installed it first thing Saturday morning....Cindy was complaining about my stink and we don't want Cindy upset. Speaking of Cindy, dad has got her so spoiled that he even cooks her own lunch with his. I told him to stop and have to monitor what he gives her. The other day I caught him giving her Chili...CHILI! I can't even begin to explain to you the odors and sounds coming from her later that night. I told him if he did that again, I was going to make her sleep with him!! She has him wrapped around her little paw...and sits there innocently gazing up at him when he is eating a sandwich, giving him the ol' "mommy never feeds me, look at my cute floppy ears and puppy dog eyes." routine. I think I at least have him trained (yes, that is right....HIM trained...Cindy, as you know, is un-trainable) not to give her anything spicy and to limit it somewhat. But whothehell knows what really goes on when I'm at work. Those two are trouble.
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