Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Here and Now

My favorite two nephews came for a visit this past weekend and it was a blast. Pictures will follow. Mitchell is getting too cool for the room. The innocent, painfully shy child has been replaced by a smart alec, annoying, fashion conscious pre-teen. Naw....he is a good kid...I had to remind him that I wasn't his mother so I was perfectfully comfortable putting him over my knee and whacking him a few times. My Stalinistic threating way of restoring order was almost always successful. Seriously, I swear, his mother (Lynda) and I spent over an hour in a surf shop looking for plaid shorts that fit him PERFECTLY. "Aunty Cathy, these taper in too much....Aunt Cathy, these are too short...Aunt Cathy these are'nt plaid enough...Aunt Cathy these are loose enough...." ARGHHHH. We were finally successful, I told him he was worse than a girl to shop with. He didn't seem to mind the compliment/insult and just slugged me in retaliation. I mean really, this is the same kid who, at four years old, cried when he pushed the air break button in a truck because he thought he broke it. Matt was glued to my new XBOX 360 and 45 inch plasma HD TV playing video games. Their favorite game was Dance Dance Revolution which put them on a pad on the floor trying to match the computers dance stuff.

We went to Disney's Typhone Lagoon and played in the wave pool. Mitchell showed no fear and I got to ride some waves. Mitchell liked me throwing him up in the air when the wave came...funny kid. Matthew and I dared to do the 5 story drop water slide. All I can say is, I did it....and I will NEVER do it again. The heart condition sign scared me a bit, but the cardiologist reassures me I get the OK. excuse not the ride the scary rides.

I'm now running again and it was fun to go running with Lynda and Susan...the three Reeder's talking away and having a blast (well, Susan was listening to her IPod...but let's face it....she never has anything interesting to say...heehee).

Speaking of Susan, she is going to Chicago this weekend to visit her friend Barry and go root on our Cubbies who are only one game out of first as my tiny fingers furiously type this post.

Work is great. Busy again and the stock is doing well. Anyone who knows my liberal leanings is well aware of my anti-war stance (not to be confused with anti-troop stance....I mean really, do you think putting an overpriced yellow ribbon magnet on your car makes a marine feel better when and IED goes off under his vehicle...), but I have to admit that the war has given the corporation a lot of work. know who... don't let things get to you, we all make mistakes or bad decisions in our lives. Life is too short to hold grudges or be angry, my Mom lived by this credo. Happiness can be achieved by not dwelling on the past or penting up anger. Sometimes things beyond your control happen, just roll with it and be happy. You are worth it! Besides....we all know that HATE leads to the dark side, the dark side leads to....oh wait...that is my inner geekness coming out.

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