Well, most of you know of my medical scare this past month. After complaining to the Doctor during a routine visit of mild chest pain, my life got turned tipsey turvey for a while. I had abnormal EKGs and flunked the nuclear portion of my stress test which indicated a 90% chance of a blockage. I had to go to a Cardiologist and have a cardiac catheterization for a stint to be put in. Turns out, he couldn't find it (OK, stop laughing smart asses, he found my HEART...it was the blockage he couldn't find...I now have definitive proof that I do, indeed, have a heart. No Mom, it didn't have a big crack in it!) and suggested that the other two tests gave false positives....I'm glad about that but wish I didn't have to have a tube stuck up my groin into my heart. They put me on a blood thinner and patted my on the back. I'm left with an unbelievable bruise where they put a clamp on my leg...ugh.
I bought a new (semi used) car to replace the aging Altima. See pics below.

Mom and dad are adjusting slowly, they have found their way to me and Susan's house on there own (both good and bad news....teehee) and are trying to get involved with the Senior Center. We took them gambling on the boat last weekend. I made out like a bandit and couldn't lose...nobody else won, but what do I care.
Cindy is still pooping like crazy!
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