Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Happy Birthday to YOU!!

Today is my Aunt Louise's birthday. She is more commonly known as 'Weez' to me, my brothers, sisters and cousins. Today Weez is 80, after all these years of her telling us she is eighty....today, she is actually 80! Growing up, even the neighbors and friends called Margaret Louise Freese, born May 2nd, 1926 in Bloomington, IN, simply 'ant weez'. Seriously though, Weez was/is an inspiration to the modern woman. Before her time, Weez graduated from Indiana University with a teaching degree and Math degree. She would later earn her Master's degree way before it was common for women to do so. She entered the world of business and finished her career with the Federal Government's Federal Highway Institute (Dept. of Transportation). I can remember, as a six year old, going with my mom to take her up to the Mr. Donought's in Fairfax to catch the Metro Bus into DC before the sun came up for her commute to work. She moved and lived with us until I was thirteen, and after that, her house was a fun place to spend a Friday night.

So Weez, for the countless comforts and hugs, the rides to soccer practice, the extra cash, the car on friday night, the algebra tutoring, a place to stay, and the fun rides to the beach at Kitty Hawk, NC every summer....thanks, and Happy Birthday!! Love you!

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