Saturday, October 08, 2005


OK., here is an introduction to the most important members of the household. The three furry felines are a constant reminder to Cindy that she USED to have the house to herself...she is always trying to eat them and we must keep them separated by a baby gate, rotating allotted times for outside their respective abodes (Cathy and Susan's bedrooms). From the top to bottom are: Cindy - she is the true ruler of the house. She is none to happy with me for allowing the three little furry felines into her home and she never misses an opportunity to try and eat one of the home invaders. She usually goes after Judy, the old slow one....she is a real mean albeit not brave is Chaplin (a.k.a. Harry Cottonballs), he lets out a girly hiss whenever Cindy gets anywhere near him, but is a real sweetheart. Then fat Mickey (a.k.a. Butternut Man), he has never met a meal he doesn't like. Below him is Finally, Judy (a.k.a. squeaky), she is a true bitc* and in the tradition of cathood she is ungrateful, unaffectionate and downright moody. I honestly can't figure out why I haven't thrown her into a locked room with Cindy yet...

1 comment:

Catherine Reeder said...

that is not why "WE" love is why "you" love them...