Friday, April 24, 2009

Pops: The Sequel

Dad had his defibrillator put on last Wednesday. The procedure went well. He will go to the doctor next week to have the staples in his chest taken out and then we will have the pacemaker part of the machine set to boost his heart rate. He was in some discomfort later the night of the surgery but handles it ok. The next day he woke with excruciating pain in his back that was shooting down his leg. Knowing Dad doesn't complain much I was worried. I took him to his family doctor today and it turns out he has Shingles on top of everything else. He has a nasty rash on his lower back....poor guy has been through so much. The Doc gave him pain pills and I am putting calamine lotion on the rash. He'll muddle through this I'm sure. In the meantime he is relying on his walker more than usual. Here he is before the surgery.

My Right Eye

Busy weekend coming up....write more later.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Test From My iPhone

Got a new APP for my iPhone for the blog.

Dad got his defibrialator put in today...all went well. More later...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Check THIS Out!!

I cried. This Scottish woman, who has never been kissed, is the most amazing singer ever! Click on Link:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Stent THIS!

Dad went in for a routing cardiac catheterization at Melbourne Hospital last week. It was the last step before him getting a defibrillator inserted in his chest. He passed the stress tests and echocardiograms. Unfortunately, the doctor found a significant blockage in one of his aortic arteries. They put a large stent in and the procedure went fairly well.

He goes in for a follow up next week and we will have to re-visit/re-test to see if he is a candidate now for a defibrillator.
Other than that...Dad is his usual jovial self.

Uncle Kenny and Aunt Vesta say they are coming down for a visit. It will be nice to see them. I imagine they will stop some other places during their trip down. Hope they don't wait until it gets too hot!

Cindy has take to throwing a fit now when Dad leaves for his weekly poker game. She is used to the old man sitting in his chair with a book and the TV on and she does NOT like her routine to be interrupted. I tried to explain to Dad the the house must revolve around Cindy's every want and desire, but he won't acquiesce.