Let's see, what should I start out with? My Grandmother Turned 101 years young on March 21st. Below is the local paper clipping. I think she looks great and it is nice to have a celebrity in the family!

Dad and I plan on visiting her the first week of July...provided Dad's health turns out OK.
(Segue-way)...speaking of Dad, he is have his cardiac catheratization tomorrow at the hospital. Provided they find no blockages he will be good to go to have a fibulator put in to regulate his heart and/or give it a shock if needed. If he has a blockage then they will stint it and he may have to go another route instead of the fibulator. He is doing ok, a bit grouchier than normal but that is probably his nerves!
Susan and I spent last weekend in Phoenix for three days of Cubbies spring training. We got to meet some old hall of famers (Fergie Jenkins and Billy Williams) but the current Cubs team was rather aloof and "non spring training-ish". I have never seen a team behave that way. I guess the Cubs figure their fans are suckers (we are) so they don't have to mingle, sign autographs or even acknowledge with a wave or nod. Assholes! I'm still a fan though! See below:
We stayed at a hotel by the ASU campus so we had plenty of watering holes and it was a blast. What a great campus area ASU is. If I could go back, I would go to school there!
More later....oh...injecting yourself in the abdomen with a human hormone isn't as scary as I thought! And the Scramblers reunion is set for the last weekend in June!