OK, it is time for me to vent a bit about some things that bother me lately. First, I live in what can be considered a small town. Yes, I know, it is somewhat populous. But, when you grow up in DC and live in other cities like Philadelphia and even Orlando, Melbourne/Palm Bay is small time. The thing about where I live is that most people fall into three categories. They are: white/hick/country folk (about 50% in my estimation), black/Caribbean (25%) and transplants/beachside raised (remainder). Now, don’t take offense if you are one of the former class of white folk but I swear to Goddess that if I see another Rebel flag hanging from a pickup truck with a NASCAR sticker on the back, I’m going puke (I you are a NASCAR fan don't get huffy, it is an intentional generalization. I realize there are many educated, intelligent NASCAR fans...lighten up). I have run into more uneducated hicks in the past four years than I care to remember. Which leads me to my real point; these people can vote. Scary, I know. I don’t really care if you are Republican or Democrat but knowing that the majority populous in my town can vote actually terrifies me…I’m not kidding. It is their right, yes. However, isn’t it really an obligation and not a right? Aren’t people obligated to educate themselves on the candidates and issues and not just vote blindly because your tobacco chewing husband/mother/father told you to or conditioned you to?! You don’t vote/not vote for a person because they are a woman/black/Muslim/Jewish etc., right?! Not down here. I kid you not, there are people down here who have disseminated e-mails (at work) claiming that Obama has ties to terrorist, or, is a Muslim (if he were, why does religion matter anyway) or is, yes this is true, he is the reason the economy is in its’ current state. I am not bullshitting you, I got an email detailing the reasons. Who knew a first term Senator wielded such power. Which brings me to my second pet peeve…
…people using company e-mail to spread ridiculously infallible opinions that are claimed to be ‘facts’ and ‘truths’. Since it is near election time, I have been getting e-mails regarding the afore mentioned about once to twice a week. Some are light hearted jokes while others are down right slanderous rhetoric generated by right wing extremist. It really annoys me when people use company e-mail to spread an agenda whether it be a religious ‘God loves you’ emails or a politically inspired e-mails, they have no place in a work environment. The same can be said for networking websites such as Facebook and Myspace. When you ‘allow’ somebody to be in your network, it is for social reasons unless it is a specific group that you have joined. Don’t use your friends to spread your agenda. I know, you are thinking, “Cathy you are ranting on this very blog”. Yes, you’re damn right I am, and, it is MY blog. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. I use this blog mainly to update family and friends of life down here in Florida but I know I get 'anononymous' readers from across the country who tend to re-visit often. But it is their choice to visit my blog. I’m not tagging e-mails and sending them to everybody’s inbox or Facebook page. This leads me to my last pet peeve….
… almost everyone at my office (some 7,000 strong in the Melbourne/Palm Bay area ) tends to assume that all people who work here are two things. 1) Christian (specifically Baptist and if you want to hang with the right crowd, attend a certain large church in the area), and 2) Republican. If I had a dollar for every time I had to listen to anti-democrat comments in a meeting or in the hallway, I could retire. I remember the good ol’ days up North where they are so politically correct that religion, politics and race are taboo subject and rightly never discussed at work. Here, one upper level manager actually asked me if a certain gas station attendant was, I kid you not he said this, an “Ali Babba”. I stood there with my mouth opened because he said it with such ease in front of a conference room full of people. I didn’t respond, mainly due to shock. I can only imagine what is said in that man’s house behind closed doors. About a year ago a man in the hallway told me to, “Smile, God loves you” (he had a “Jesus” badge holder). When I ignored him he stopped and yelled it louder thinking surely I must not have heard him. So, I turned around and said to him, “How do you know your God loves me?!” and then kept walking. When I responed negatively to a fiery innaccurate anti-Obama e-mail recently send out to a long list of people (including me), one woman responded to me and said "it is all fact" and I should believe her because she has "two degrees". "Wow", I responded, "two degrees, you must be smart!" (which pissed her off further, hey, don't email me shit and expect me to continually ignore it). Don’t get me wrong, I have respect for people’s beliefs, I really do. But, keep them in your home and never assume that your co-worker thinks like you do.
Well…that is all for now. I just needed to jot down my yearly “Rant”. I guess I rant because the above mentioned has me seriously considering re-locating to a larger more diverse city. I don’t think I’m cut out for life in the small city.
On a lighter note, check out Mitchell busting a move at six flags and Matthew enjoying a book.