Friday, April 25, 2008

Wedding Bells, Barf and LAX

I made it back from my quick jaunt home to DC for my friend Randy's wedding. It was very elegant and quite the affair. From the sushi to champagne, everything was perfect. Randy looked as happy as I have ever seen him and his bride Kim looked beautiful and equally as enamored. 

I went to my nephew Mitchell's Lacrosse game and his DARE graduation of his fifth grade class (anti-drug program at school). I don't recall ever having that when I was in elementary school...then again....I didn't exactly stay away from drugs...hmmmm...back when I went to school you had to learn on your own that doing bong hits before soccer practice really wouldn't improve you game. Or, you had to get kicked out of basketball practice by the coach because she thought you were today have it soooooo easy. 

Anyway, Mitchell got sick during their performance while he was up on the risers in front of the whole school. He puked right on the kids in front of was classic. The poor kid was so embarrassed. I'm sure at the time he thought it was the end of the world, but after a trip to the ice cream parlor and a new Liverpool soccer jersey....he was fine. He is becoming quite the Lacrosse player too. Matthew turns 10 today!!! Little Matty is in double digits! Sigh. Happy Birthday to him! He missed his soccer game when I was there because he was a little ill. He is better now though.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Been a Long Time....

Reader's Digest Version:

1. Grandma's birthday celebration was a blast! She had a beer and we all played poker that night at my cousins house. Great times! The girls were chasing Mitchell around and one of my cousin's daughters beautiful Dannielle (above in between Mitchell and Matthew) we suspect gave Mitchell an extra 'special' goodbye (kiss)....LOL. Hey, they are third cousins and my dad says that is legal in Indiana....hahaha

2. Traveling with dad is difficult and airlines and airports suck for the disabled!

3. Mason was one and done!

4. Been traveling a lot for work and am going back home (DC) this weekend for my friend Randy's wedding. I don't do weddings, but for him I made an exception as he is a dear friend and I am truly happy for him.

5. My favorite line from my dad while we were in Laporte: (we had ajoining hotel rooms) peeks in Sat. moring, "Catherine, what time are you getting up?!". Me, "I guess now, Dad"

Sunday, he peeks in "Catherine, are you getting up yet?!""...ugh, I guess so".