Reader's Digest version:
1. Xmas up in Twin Lakes State Park, Va. We rented a mini-van and drove up. It was fun, but a bit much for Dad...and Cindy. Probably won't be doing that again anytime soon.
2. Dad almost died....but, 911 and Susan being home helped save his life. Sudden congestive heart failure. He is fine now, back to his usual charming self. Last spotted wrestling a frozen chicken in the kitchen...the chicken lost.
3. My trainer is still kicking my ass. She is obsessed with the treadmill these days...gonna have to sneak in there one night and sabotage them...or hire an al-queda operative to go all suicide bomber on them....
4. Met Aunt Carol and her husband for lunch at Wolfgang Puck's last weekend in downtown Disney....went to the Virgin record store. Susan bought two seasons of the Mary Tyler Moore show...I bought her the third season if she promised I wouldn't have to watch them with her. I acquired the first season of that TV classic "the white shadow" of my all time favorites. Dig those short shorts baby!
5. Took Dad to the Florida Tech basketball game last Saturday. It went into OT and they won (beat Eckerd). Dad was getting into the game and had fun. The tall dude from England (7'7" didn't play thought, he was injured. We can't wait to see him in action
6. I got a MacBook. Going all Mac at home.
7. Randy, that is "christmas randy" to those up north announced he is getting married. I'm happy for him, he deserves it....or doesn't deserve it...depending on how you view marriage...don't get me started.
8. Clinton took Florida, however, the brilliant minds that collectively make up the FL Democratic party managed to get themselves suspended from the Nat'l party so no delegate votes far. Why is Florida always fu**ing things up when it comes to elections...McCain won the other primary. I'm a registered independent so didn't vote for any of the aforementioned.
9. Saw Collective Soul at the House of Blues and stayed at the Celebration Hotel and spa. Susan and I pampered ourselves with Massages and manicures/pedicures....then saw a great show....hang-over the next day, but worth it.
10. The housing market sucks and I still live in the hood....but I have Cindy and my piece so we're all good.
Added new content (check to the other right) and updated this blog....videos and polls will change periodically and/or whenever I feel like it.
Xmas Pictures: